Baalbeck Social Centre for Care and Development

Baalbeck Social Centre for Care and Development is located at the heart of the «City of the Sun» in the Rifahi neighbourhood. It launched its social and humanitarian services with a cultural dimension in 2010 and have since then provided the public with the following day-care assistance programs:

•    Intellectual development for people with mental retardation:
this program concerns 3 year-old to 18 year-old juveniles afflicted with light, medium and severe mental difficulties with a view to provide them with education, academic and specialised training based on dedicated and tailored to individual cases pedagogical methods. It also offers a number of support programs such as heightening awareness on the beneficiaries rights and duties, social integration and artistic abilities enhancement programs.

•    Working Mothers’ Children Care Services: this assistance, specially designed for working mothers, provides accomodation and education to their children using teaching programs adapted to their age.

•    Early intervention program: this program concerns the mothers of children with retardation, and includes newborns to 6 uear-old children. It performs in-house habilitation treatments for the children and provides special training programs for the mothers to help them acquire the proper means and methods to manage their situation and communicate with their child.

•    Family intervention program: offers appropriate advice and assistance to the families who, facing difficulties to communicate with their children regarding their behaviour and studies, turn to the Centre for help.

•    Third age assistance: designed for senior citizens, offers them various programs to fill their leisure time such as recreational, social, cultural, environmental and intellectual activities as well as advice regarding health and well-being.

•    Auxiliary care service: offers to all claimants, whether they suffer or not from special difficulties, speech, functional, sensorial and psychological treatments.